Roundtables & Summits

Smartphone Security Assurance Workshop

Doors Open

Mon, 26 Feb
12:00 - 14:00 CEST

Pre-registered & Approved have priority


CC8.16, GSMA Knowledge Zone, Hall 8.1 - 4YFN


Session Description

Smartphones have become the primary means for citizens to access and consume digital services. Consumers frequently rank security and privacy as among their top factors when purchasing or using internet connected product and services. Either swayed by marketing or simply lack of available information to make informed purchases, market reality is often different. Therefore, empowering consumers to make smartphone choices based on simple to consume knowledge of strong security is a key to protecting smartphone users.

This seminar will provide an overview of an industry initiative in GSMA and industry partners to provide a framework for demonstrating strong security and privacy in Smartphones. With mandatory regulation in EU and other regions in final stages, this industry initiative is well placed to benefit, operators, manufacturers, consumers and regulators alike.


An agenda for this session can be found here


This invite only, interactive seminar is intended for Operators, Manufacturers, Regulators, Security Researchers, Consumer Groups and Technology Journalists. 


Doors Open: 11:50

Session Speakers

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