Roundtables & Summits

Sustainability Summit

Doors Open
Presented By
GSMA Intelligence

Wed, 28 Feb
15:00 - 18:00 CEST

Pre-registered & Approved have priority


Partner Theatre 6, Hall 8.0 – 4YFN & Partner Theatres


Session Description

Sustainability, energy efficiency and circularity: transforming your P&L

Hosted by GSMA Intelligence

With energy costs still constituting 20-40% of operational expenses, there's a latent opportunity for operators and partners to cut costs and boost profits. As traffic rises inexorably with 5G take up (6x increase in data volumes by 2030), there is the question of how best to architect networks from the chipset level up to the last mile as more cellular data is processed at the edge and cloud.

On the revenue side of the coin, energy savings from telco B2B services are becoming a more integral part of the value proposition, while green-minded products are also in play for consumer segments. Sustainability, in short, is a business opportunity for the telco industry as much as an environmental imperative. But, how can the opportunities and trade-offs best be communicated? How can operators, and their partners, cut through the fog?

Join us in this exclusive Summit at MWC as we explore: Network level innovations in energy efficiency; Services strategies for reducing costs and growing revenues through green products; Changing role of analytics and AI; The circular economy; Reporting and alignment on KPIs; Partnerships in the supply chain.



State of the Market (15:00-15:20; 20 minutes) | Hosted by GSMA Intelligence

Top level trends analysis of energy and sustainability – and what this means for the telco industry; Release of Telco Energy Benchmark results, 2023 edition

Sponsor Keynote (15:20-15:40; 20 minutes) | Hosted by Arm

Building Sustainable Networks for the Age of AI
Abstract: As the demand for data continues to grow alongside the proliferation of AI, so does the need for sustainable network infrastructure that can support this growth without compromising the environment. In this keynote, we will explore the challenges and opportunities of building sustainable networks in the age of AI. We will discuss how Arm is redefining what is possible in cloud to edge infrastructure by delivering market-leading scalable efficiency and enabling our partners with the degrees-of-freedom to innovate. We will also highlight how Arm’s highly performant, energy-efficient platforms are being used in a wide range of applications, from 5G networks to the cloud datacenter infrastructure, enabling true TCO savings and performance benefits.

Panel: Sustainable network innovations and architecture (15:40-16:20; 40 minutes) | Experts from Arm, Vodafone, Microsoft and GSMA

Mobile networks ; Fixed line networks (copper and fibre) ; Chipsets and devices ; Cloud and edge compute ; Changing use of AI and analytics

Sponsor Keynote (16:20-16:40; 20 minutes) | Hosted by XH Smart

Panel: Circularity and sustainable digital transformation (16:40-17:20; 40 minutes) | Experts from Turkcell, e& and XH Smart

Revisiting the circular economy. What is it? Why does it matter? ; Progress vs. areas still to address -Device recycling, Network waste, Reporting and disclosure ; Services strategy: integrating sustainability with digital transformation ; Implications for investor and other external stakeholder relations

Nokia hosted Operator fireside (17:20-17:40, 20 minutes) | Experts from Nokia, e&, Carbon Trust and Telefonica S.A.

How do we digitalize for climate action without adding to the problem?

Collaborative actions targeting key levers for Scope 1,2 and 3 emissions are critical for acceleration to Net Zero.  How can telco operators speed up their sustainability efforts and create faster pathways to net zero by collaborating effectively with the entire telco and technology value chain? Energy efficiency, material choices, design for environment, alternative energy sources, and supplier collaboration will all be part of the solution in decarbonizing our industry.

Sponsor Keynote (17:40-17:55; 15 minutes) | Hosted by Dell Technologies and Intel

Closing thoughts (17:55-18:00; 5 minutes) | Hosted by GSMA Intelligence


Hear from our speakers

"The future of infrastructure needs the performant and power-efficient compute foundation built on Arm Neoverse. And it needs specialized processing and workload acceleration delivered by the Arm partner ecosystem." Eddie Ramirez, VP of Marketing, Infrastructure Business, Arm


"Operators must rethink equipment, services, and networks due to the demand for higher performance and economic and environmental challenges. The network must be intelligent, power efficient to reduce OpEx, and able to support new use cases and market demands. Energy efficiency is key for a sustainable rollout of the network infrastructure." Panch Chandrasekaran, Director, 5G Carrier Infrastructure, Arm


Doors Open: 02:30

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