
Is there Really a Need for Speed?


Mon, 26 Feb
12:45 - 13:15 CEST

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MWC Debate Stage, Hall 6


Session Description

Is it time to take a beat and reassess the need for speed? With 3.4 billion people still unconnected should the industry be shifting gears and refocusing its approach towards connectivity, focusing more on resiliency and reliability? 


Recent shifts in technology and consumer behaviour suggest that the demand for high internet speeds over fixed networks may be coming to an end. In developed markets, the connected are hyper-connected. Deloitte predicts that in 2024, over 90% of the most used online applications on fixed broadband networks in developed markets will have the same vendor-recommended bitrate as in 2023. 


Does this inflection point indicate that we really are approaching a plateau? Or is speed still the top-priority for individual as well as enterprise consumers? 

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